Monday, September 24, 2012

So Ends A Long Couple of Weeks

It felt like we were bouncing from crisis to crisis for a while.

This weekend was a very nice way to recoup and get some fresh air. Carrie's friend, Genevieve, and her fiance, Chris, came by on Friday night. They watched Shane so Carrie and I could go out for the first time in a long time. We ended up walking the mall, going into a few stores, and enjoying a dinner together. We returned home to chat with Genevieve and Chris built a brick fort around one of our cats (The picture is on Carrie's Facebook).

Saturday, we enjoyed our first meal out as a family! I say "enjoyed" because Shane actually sat in his high-chair and ate with us! We went to a Noodles and Company. I order a mac and cheese since I knew it was something Shane would be interested in. There're pictures on Carrie's phone, but she's hoarding them.

Sunday, Nana and Pop took Shane for the night. Carrie and I went out to a Dogfish Head Alehouse. Dan always comes home from there bragging about how "EVERYTHING IS GOOD!" Sometimes, he brings home food and requires us to sample it before he'll eat the rest of it. I have to say, the steak-bomb sandwich blew my mind. I knew I was going to order it before Carrie asked me "Where are we going?"

The crises?

Well, Philippians 4:13.

I don't remember all of it, but it started up about the same time as work. First, Carrie lost her rings. Second, she went out of town for five days for her cousin's wedding. School started for students. I pulled a 14 hour day for Back-To-School-Night that culminated in a discussion about Brogan when I got home. It led to a long weekend and when everything resolved Carrie and I were both relieved. My poor wife then got hurt less than 48 hours later and called me at work for help. I ducked out of work to settle her, pick up her Vicodin prescription, and nab Shane.

Of course, the next day was Shane's ear surgery. I did a whole post on that one! Carrie ended up sick and hurting again by next Wednesday, too. She called me at work to let me know she had to go to the doctor's. My parents were generous enough to take Shane that Thursday or I would've had to skip out on work. In between, the speech therapist had her first couple of visits, etc. etc.

Busy, busy.

Yes, I know I said I wouldn't do any more "My life is so busy!" posts, but I just did. I didn't even mention everything and I'm not going to talk about work too much (Well, other than I've had to have a few "You can't pick your nose in class" discussions with one kid and I was elated that I managed to pull off a 'Case Manager of the Year' trick, email the parent, and then get my go-ahead rescinded less than an hour later.)

Some famous dead guy said you learn the most about yourself in a crisis. I personally believe that a calm head and patience can downgrade most crises into a challenge and Philippians 4:13. Plus, time keeps on moving forward. It's foolish to do anything other than move forward with it.

That's my dump for the month. Hopefully, life will be a little less exciting moving forward, but there's still a few hurdles between here and there. Genevieve wasn't available, so Carrie's mom is going to come up tomorrow. Carrie needs to go to a couple doctor's appointments and I'm probably going to need to take a day off the week after.

See what I mean when I said "Busy, busy?" I have a bunch of people I need to get back in touch with, but I think most of them are just as busy as I am. I just got a text from Igor while I was typing saying "Dude! I have not been ignoring you!!!! ...School [and work] is a bear! My love to Carrie and Shane!" I told him that the next steak-bomb I ordered would be in his presence. Now we both have to make it work.

A blue fish once said, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"

Advice to live by!

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