Saturday, September 1, 2012

One Ring to Bind Them...

Note: Last Monday night was an emotional one. I did not want to post this story right away, because of that. However, now that some time has passed I got the go ahead from my wife.

Saturday is my day for kickboxing. Monday is Carrie's.

The routine is only in its second week, but hopefully it keeps up. My day puts Muay Thai class hopefully in the middle of Shane's nap time. Carrie's class time ends after Shane's usually tucked in and sleeping.

So there I was on Monday night sitting at the computer. Shane was sleeping, and I was waiting for Carrie to get home to tell me what she learned. An hour passed and Carrie should have been home. I was starting to get worried, but I guessed class had run over, or Carrie had stayed after to chat, or some other simple explanation would fit the bill.

When I heard a car door shut in the garage, I popped up to go see my wife. I opened the door, and my heart sunk. Tears streamed down my wife's face and she ran up to hug me. I didn't know if she was hurt or if someone had tried to hurt her or what happened. It was a scary moment. Through the tears, Carrie told me her rings were missing.

It's not polite to punch people with metal pointy objects on your hands. Carrie's engagement rings protrudes from her finger, so she has to take off her rings when she wraps her hands. Normally, she hangs them on her necklace, but she was rushing and something went wrong. After class, she went to put on her rings and noticed they were missing. Coach and Carrie scoured the room. Carrie talked to the staff, too.

I was relieved. My worst fear was that someone had hurt Carrie and my second worst fear was that Carrie had hurt herself. In my eyes, I married a woman and not a ring. The rings are a shiny and pretty symbol, but they have no value to me beyond that (people before things, always).

Carrie was far more attached. She wanted her "Stay the hell away from me! I'm happily married!" symbols back (her words! ha ha). What can I say? My wife really loves me. I'm very blessed in that department.

Once the emotions had passed, we turned in and Carrie talked to insurance Tuesday. She ended up filing a police report, and found the insurance/appraisal forms for her rings. I asked around at the gym today, but the rings still had not turned up. I hope that they will, but if they don't insurance will help out (which is nice, because otherwise I might have pushed for cheaper rings and I don't know how well that would've turned out).

Carrie bought some super cheap fakes that look similar until we figure out the ring situation. She presented them to me and I re-proposed before she wore them. They fit nicely into the ring shaped groove on Carrie's finger.

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