Saturday, October 21, 2017

This Is How Our Saturdays Roll

No, not the Minion hat.

Stuff! Like soccer!

The other team was a lot better than us,...

...but Shane managed to stay on his feet the whole game without throwing a pity-party!

Maybe it was the helicopters. I noticed.

Shane noticed.

There were helicopters circling and landing at the hospital.

They must have been practicing/certifying, because there were no sirens and nothing on the news.

After the game, I took Shane to the new Krispy Kreme to celebrate.

He LOVED the donut machine.

It was easy entertainment.

He went up to his room when we got home and drew it. Quietly. On his own.

The donut was the lesser reward.

Carrie was still sick, so I decided to keep Shane out of the house a bit. We went to Costco and found a Play-Doh sample station.

Shane feels right at home at Costco. He poops every other time we show up. He took forever this time, and you'll never guess why.

His poop was blue.

He started calling out to me when I asked if he was okay in the bathroom. Heads turned. Remember the messy face from the cupcake pictures at Rocktoberfest? Whoever baked that cupcake must have loaded it with a ton of food coloring.

I tried to play catch with Shane when we got home. Rah showed up and wanted to use my glove.

We ended the night watching a movie with Mommy, Maleficent. We didn't have time to watch the whole thing, so we stopped at a happy moment.

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