Friday, January 29, 2021

The Bitey-Face Game

I wish I had a gif.

I see some things so frequently I take them for granted. Then, when I realize I'm writing a post and need a video of something, I can't produce what I need!

Pockets has been playing a lot of 'bitey-face.' That's the game where he and another horse (usually Abby or Magic) stand on opposite sides of the fence and fence with their faces. They butt snouts and try to bite each other back and forth.

It doesn't escalate beyond that, because at some point the combatants remember there's an electric fence between them. They might get nipped by their opponent, but the fence will hurt for sure!

Which brings me to today's shock. The top two lines of the fence were down when I went out for morning chores.

I suspect Magic reared and a hoof caught it.

What's amazing, is none of the horses dared to cross the bottom two lines. They're knee high to an equine.

I stepped over the fence easily. A horse should've found it just as easy. 

Thankfully, no one did. They were afraid of the shock. It probably would've been okay if someone crossed the line, but sorting out the pecking order can cause injuries. We don't want any of our boarder's horses to get hurt!

Fixing the fence added an extra task to chores. I called Carrie and she spliced the wires while I turned off the fence and went about with the usual.

There's always something to do on a farm. Even a hobby one.

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