Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Virtual School - Beginning of the End

January is the march to the end. Well, the end of the first semester at least.

There are a total of 15 classes left over the next 4 weeks. The SOL is currently scheduled for Jan 28th. They asked for volunteers to proctor, so I signed up to watch over my 12 students who have said they'll come in to take it.

New classes are scheduled to start with February, but the question is: Will they be hybrid?

The current plan is that the Superintendent, Dr. Haas, will give his recommendation to the school board about how to school on Jan 14. We will either remain in Stage 3 (Pk-3 and some ESOL/SPED in person) or move to Stage 4 (Elementary 4 days a week, Secondary 2 days virtual and 2 days in person).

What will he say? Who knows. 

Right now, we're in Stage 1. We will go back to Stage 3 next week and winter sports will get to have their first practices of the season. 

Geometrically, we're working on circles.

We were supposed to wrap circles up BEFORE winter break. It probably wouldn't have happened, but the 2 days off (snow + power) ensured it didn't.

After circles, we'll do surface area and volume.

And after that we'll try to talk about constructions and some other odds and ends. 

The last week will be review and some sort of culminating activity. I just don't have a clue as to what! I can use the SOL for some kids, but only 12 out of 55 of my students have signed up. The others either don't need it or they're postponing their testing date until May (which I would've said is foolish if not for COVID). 

The kids who take the test now have the passing score dropped from a 400 to a 350! I'd like to think my kids will do well. I'd like to dream that they do so well that they get noticed, but there's no telling.

The semester flip is going to be interesting. Once kids sign off at the end of January, I will not see or hear from them again unless they reach out over email. There are no halls to say hi in as they walk by. That will be weird.

I've really enjoyed teaching with Marcell. We'll only have one class together next semester. Having two teachers in the room has been a tremendous help with making class feel like a class. If the kids are quiet, Marcell and I chat until kids start commenting and joining in. We can divide and conquer with breakout rooms, as well. I made friends with Scott last year and Marcell would be another friend in the building if we're ever in it again.

Busy times. This is the push to finish strong!

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