Friday, January 15, 2021

Writing Update

Fiction writing has been a fun change of pace. Not that I've done much of it. 

I did a little writing at the beginning of the month to meet a deadline with my partner. I've done a little more writing late at night a couple of times, but I need to do be satisfied with what I have by our next deadline.

Writing is work. It takes energy. I think it's a worthwhile investment of energy, but it's not pure fun. 

I started working on catching up on the blog over the holiday weekend (MLKJ). At the time I'm writing this draft I've almost caught up. That feels good! 

I use my blog as many things:
  • A communication device for those who want to stay involved in my life.
  • A memory tool for remembering when and what happened.
  • A way to process through things and organize my thoughts.
  • A future parenting strategy....or at least I hope. It'd be nice for Shane to read some of this!
As for my fiction writing.....I don't know. At the moment, it's fun. It'd be neat to eventually get paid something, but I don't plan on quitting teaching. The goal is to write fiction on the side while it's meaningful to me. Hopefully, it's fun. Hopefully, I learn. Hopefully, I feel a connection with my partner and we both entertain each other through the process.

I've flirted with writing fiction before, but having a writing partner this time is what's made it doable.

With the blog, I know that people read it. I don't usually respond to comments (or have a lot), but I definitely read them (and delete the spam ones I notice!).

With my fiction, I've sent it out to a few people, but not everyone gets around to reading it. I want feedback so I can improve, but it feels like I'm asking for a favor. My end goal is to entertain so that people want to read what I write, but for now I'm a novice. Fiction tends to be longer and it's work to give someone feedback especially if people are already busy.

Which has made me think more about how I interact online. I've avoided clicking "Like" on Facebook posts, because I don't like how Facebook algorithms start only showing things that they think I'd click like on. Sometimes, it helps to see things I disagree with. Sometimes I learn something new and my stance shifts. Sometimes I see something that reinforces my own stance. 

I do the same on Youtube, but I've started to click like more there. Facebook is social media, but Youtube is a place where people create content and some make a living off it. If I want feedback for my writing, won't other content creators want feedback on their content? I've thought about leaving comments, as well, but I haven't crossed that bridge yet! I like a wide variety of things, so I don't want YouTube to narrow down the list of what they think I like too much. Maybe I can counter that by clicking like on a wide variety of things.

One day, I'll post up a chapter of something I've written here. Today is not that day. I'm not ready for the possibility Nana wouldn't download the file, post it on Facebook, and say "LOOK EVERYBODY AT WHAT MY BABY BOY HAS WRITTEN!" 

Nana is a natural motivator and encourager. She's not shy about it either, but right now, I am!

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