Thursday, January 14, 2021

Virtual School - Calling home!

Every Thursday, peer tutors drop by my virtual classes. It's a routine and it works.

Provided kids are in class.

Some kids act like they want to fail. 

There are kids who refuse to work with a tutor even though they're failing ("I don't need help." "What do you mean, 'You don't need help?' You have an F.")

There are other kids who don't show up or leave the moment they think they'll have to do some work.

Normally, my rule of thumb is I do everything I can for the kids who care first. I won't leave behind a kid with questions to chase off after an idiot who's determined not to work.

But if there's not enough work to keep me busy, I got hunting.

Today, we had an extra tutor show up and there weren't enough students.

I hit mute, pulled out my phone, and started recruiting.

"Hi! I was calling, because _______ blank is not in class and we have extra tutors to help with makeup work."

I started with the kids who were borderline and I thought I could get a response. I kept at it until I had enough kids to keep me and all the tutors busy. I woke up some and talked to parents of others and cackled each time a student rejoined the class.

I hate to pull the parent card with teenagers I expect to start acting like their own adults, but I'll do it if I think the situation calls for it! Mwa ha ha!

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