Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kathleen's in Town!

My sister Kathleen and her son, Cole, are visiting! Shane and I scooted over to visit while Carrie took Brogan to  his training class. Much to my surprise, Shane was gentle with the 2-months old Cole! He would reach out and touch Cole and gently put his head on him.

Imagine my surprise and delight my son can be gentle when Shane tries to barrel roll all over the dog, grab dog tail, or ride the dog like a horse. Shane sometimes lays down next to Brogan and thrusts his feet down to drill right into the dog's penis. He's even dropped/thrown books off the couch onto the dog! Whenever I protect Brogan or pull Shane away it normally makes my son very angry. Shane can't understand what's wrong with grabbing for or trying to put his face into Brogan's boy parts.

Hallelujah that Shane is much nicer with babies! My sister took some pictures that I'll want to post. Cole is very cute. He's blonde, blue-eyed, and fair-skinned like his mother and father. I can't really place who he looks like yet. He's very verbal though, so he probably gets that from my sister! Stu's more the quiet, well-timed sarcastic remark type. Cole would grunt, coo, and snore to let everyone know he was there.

I love how bright, cheerful, and full of my life my family can be. Carrie has to travel to a park tomorrow, but we'll do a full family visit sometime tomorrow.

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