Monday, July 9, 2012

Worst Haircut Ever

The presence of fleas in the house makes my scalp itch. I don't have any, but it's psychosomatic. The same thing happens whenever I hear about lice. I had the little demons once and never noticed it. Once someone pointed it out and I got treatment, the itching started. I know what's happening (and why), but it happens nonetheless.

I cut my hair short.

Real short.

It's feels funny with the hair sticking up. I can see my scalp, too! It'll help spot fleas if I ever were to get one, and it will help deal with the heat.

Shane got a haircut, too. Carrie was worried that something might find it's way on to him, and (most importantly) he happened to wander into a bathroom where I had the clippers plugged in and ready to go. I let the boy look at the clippers, feel the vibration, and I hoped they would seem less fantastic. Shane has a tendency to grab at the clippers whenever he gets a haircut, and I wanted to let him handle them so maybe he would stop. Then, I took off the first chunk of hair.

My son was not happy.

Shane has never been a big fan of haircuts, but they've never been a source of tears before. This time, I made a few passes before he was spitting mad. I put on Remy (from Ratatouille) and enlisted my wife to try and soothe his nerves.

That was a negative, Ghost Rider.

Shane got more pissed, but because we were already half-way done, Carrie and I tried to plow through. After all, Shane has a small head compared to ours! Ten more swipes and we're done, right?

Wrrrrr......wait for it....WRONG!

There were tears and frustration galore. Shane was swiping his hands and got hair on them. Somewhere along the way, he shoved his hands in his mouth and got hair in there too. Between the crying, the hair, and the sputtering rage.....this is what happened.

Shane worked himself up so much, he vomited allll over I hugged him close (Daddy Reflexes!) and we both ended up covered in gunk and hair. Good thing Shane drank that milk bottle half an hour ago. 

"It looks like cheese! Ewww!"

Thanks, honey. I love you, too!

Shane and I took a shower together and I think he looks snazzy. All seems to be forgiven. Shane was cracking up playing peek-a-boo in the bathtub. It's just another lesson (and laundry load) in parent hood: never force a haircut. 

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