Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Summer Goals

Every summer, I make goals for myself. This summer is no exception.

This year I have three main goals:

1) Take a whole lot of the county's academy courses ( >= 10 credits)
2) Fix up the house from outside to in
3) Get Shane to drink from a cup independently

Goal #1 is to help get a raise next summer if I don't get a tech job. Goal #2 is because we just moved and I want it done before work starts up. Goal #3 is because I keep reading about "The bottle is the root of all evil" and I figure it's good to have goals in general.

Yesterday, Carrie and I had a day 'off' while Genevieve watched Shane. This constituted a Home Depot run, lunch out, and hours of yard work for me. I chopped up old overgrown rose bushes (those suckers are sharp!) and pulled weeds the whole time. The day 'off' constituted a Home Depot run, lunch out, and then feeling sick and taking a three hour nap for Carrie. She was bitten by a tick last week, and they gave her antibiotics for Lyme disease. She must be feeling better this morning though, because she already hung a picture and sanded down the sunroom doors so that they close easier.

Goal #3.....well, if you saw my post yesterday where I was frustrated, you know that there's a lot of room to grow! Oh well. You can hand a baby water, but you can't make them drink it. If anything, you have to be prepared to clean up after it.

Happy 4th of July!

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