Thursday, August 16, 2012


I took Shane to the doctor's today to get his ears looked at again. It's been 8 days on the antibiotics and he's still pulling at his ears and acting like they bother him. After 45 minutes of waiting in the lobby and the room, the doctor came in to take a look at Shane.

Obviously, Shane's first priority was to hurt himself.

While the doctor asked me questions, I was doing my best to entertain an overtired and probably hungry boy. I looked up and made eye contact with the doctor and Shane immediately ran into a metal object.

Cranky baby + bloody fat lip = Really crying child

The doctor then had to look into Shane's ears. Most of the time, this seems to take a few seconds. This time, Shane was thrashing wildly and the doctor seemed to be trying to read a tiny novel in my son's ear canal.

Really crying child + (doctor poking in sore ears * 2) = Cry-maggedon.

And I thought my son was really irked before!

Poor kid. I was able to sing and calm him down some while the doctor gave me a rundown of his findings. There was no sign of infection, but there was still fluid in the ears which could be causing Shane discomfort. He recommended we get Shane's ears looked at in 2-3 weeks. If there was still fluid in Shane's ears, we may need to get a hearing test and go to an ENT.

Thankfully, Shane should get a full hearing screening at his county services assessment next week. That's one thing already scheduled! I had to have tubes in my ears as a kid too, so if we do go to an ENT Shane may end up getting his ears reworked.

Kids. They keep you busy. Even when I don't like my health insurance, I'm thrilled I have health insurance.

The ears were related to the assessment, so I figured I'd mix the good news and the bad tonight.
Good: we're going to get help for Shane's speech.
Bad: the kid's ears are bugging him.

I'll try to post something more anecdotal tomorrow. It's time to put up the dog and head to bed for now.

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