Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Interview Results

My first tech interview I felt I was too 'happy/hyper.' At the time, I didn't think I wanted the position at that school. I did want experience interviewing for the job. When I arrived 10 minutes early for my interview, I was told they were running half an hour late and given a 'creative' prompt to explain something about myself. I had a little too much fun with it. The rejection letter arrived in the mail a couple of weeks later.

My second interview I felt I was unprepared and could have said more. Shane was very needy and I never got a chance to research the school's technology needs and capabilities. I showed up 10 minutes early, the interview began a minute later, and it was a panel of eight unresponsive faces. I couldn't read a thing. It threw me off. The rejection email was in by 9 AM the next morning.

My third interview was definitely the best. I felt like I sold myself, connected with people in the room, nailed the writing sample, and then had a chance to fix a printer when I was done. Friday, the third school called trying to get in touch with my references. I heard back from them at 9 PM last night. The principal emailed me "Thank you for interviewing at _____.  I want to let you know you were not selected for the position.  The committee felt you had a lot of good qualities, and ultimately we had to make a tough decision based on the needs of our team.  Best wishes on your pursuits. " That marks me as 0 for 3.

There's still a chance. I applied for another school today, and they have to be running low on good tech people at this rate! Perhaps that's why the last school was so interested.

Also, something strange happened on Monday. I'm not sure if it's a sign of an opportunity yet or not. My school's assistant principal received a promotion to the interim principal of a different school. Our tech person was promoted on an interim basis to become our new assistant principal. Does this mean I could stay at my current school but switch positions? It's an intriguing possibility! I don't know how likely it is, but I'll go for it if given the opportunity.

In the end, I still have my teaching job so the bills aren't in danger of going unpaid. I really like the people I work with too. I do want to transition to a more technical job one year, but if I have to wait another year it won't kill me. Sometimes, it's better to wait anyway.

I figure that God has a plan and it's going to happen according to his will.

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