Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Brogan's dog training class was tonight. He missed the past two weeks when he got snipped and when he had explosive diarrhea (AKA he wasn't on holiday).

Carrie took him to the first three classes and encouraged me to go to the fourth. I went, but I left the dog treats at home.

It's very hard to train a dog without treats. Especially when all of the other dogs in class are getting fed for rewards. Thankfully, the trainer spotted me a couple of handfuls of her treats. Brogan never knew the difference (or if he did, he liked her treats just fine).

Today, I was determined not to forget the treats. It was a long day, but I started to take care of business before class. I let Brogan out to hit the yard, I found his leash, and I quickly grabbed a bag of treats from his drawer before loading him up in the car.

I pulled up in front of the dog store with one minute to spare. The day drained me, but I felt good I got this part right. I grabbed my rawhide chews....

Wait....rawhide chews. Those are not treats.


I seriously thought about turning around and driving home for the treats (and maybe skipping class). Running solves nothing, so I said a prayer for strength and went in after a minute to psych myself up. Thankfully, I had a little cash on me from Matt's groomsmen gifts. I walked in, bought some turkey treats, and Brogan had a good class.

Just a quick update. I need to do an epic update for an epic wedding weekend, but those take a lot of time and energy to write (I do have a draft).

Until next time!

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