Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mourning the End of Summer

Today is the last night before work begins anew. I intended to mourn/celebrate, but the day had other plans.

First, Shane woke up at 6 AM. It's not horrible, but it's not the sleeping in until 7 AM I dream about every night.

Next, Shane woke up after an hour nap...wailing. He would've been inconsolable if not for the garage door (Thank God for automatic openers).

Fearing a third ear infection, Carrie and I took Shane to the Urgent Care. There's not a lot of other places open on a Sunday afternoon. We signed in at 1:22 PM and a receptionist appeared 3-4 minutes later to tell us it was a two-hour wait. There was a woman there with an infant who told us she'd been there since noon (eventually, she would be called back at 2:30ish).

My intrepid and unsatisfied wife discovered the Minute Clinic at CVS around 2:30 PM. We were in and out before they called our name at the Urgent Care. I don't think I'd go there for anything serious, but it was convenient to get an ear check and walk from one counter to the next to file our son's prescription.

The verdict? Ear infection number three was starting in the left ear (or was it the right?). We're going to need to see an ENT. Shane hasn't napped longer than an hour in three days and he wakes up in pain every time. If the ENT suggests tubes, those suckers are going in.

When we finally got home, our dog looked like someone had dipped his lower half in mud. I wish I took a picture! Brogan was coated. Our long absence must have sent him digging and wallowing in mud under the deck for comfort. I filled up our doggy pool and it turned to 'chocolate milk' when I threw him in. Come to think of it, I hope it was only mud!

Finally, our AC pooped out. I was on a walk with Shane and Brogan when Carrie tracked me down in the Prius. She was running to Home Depot to replace our thermostat from 1977 in the hopes that would solve the problem.  Thankfully, Dan knows AC units. He just needs to get home from NYC so I can get his opinion on if it's an easy fix or I should call in professionals.

What I need/want to do is finish my write up for Matt and Renee's wedding. It was an great wedding and great time to see family and friends. That makes for a lot to write about which makes it harder to write up. Brevity is not always my strong suit.

On the plus side: there was time to be silly with Carrie and talk to our neighbors when Carrie borrowed electrical tape. Shane squealed happily when we picked him up from Sunday school, my parents dropped off roses for my wive's birthday and a grill from Jama's house, and Brogan got a bath....all of these things are harder to write about in a way that's entertaining for someone who's not me to read. I just wanted to highlight that there are always two sides to every coin, so don't think that the day was so bad I'm ready to call it quits. This blog post is helping keep me up while I wait for Dan. I threatened Carrie that I'd run to 7-11 and buy some energy drinks and come back to bounce on the bed, but writing seems less likely to get me in trouble or break anything.

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