Friday, October 18, 2013

Goose Egg

We decided last night: Shane was going to go to 'school' today.

Ear infections aren't contagious, he had the antibiotics in his system for over 24 hours, and we're still paying $$$ for day-care.
Shane was going to try and go to day-care whether he liked it or not! Ha!

There was no fever! I told the woman at the front desk and the teacher that Shane had an ear infection and told them to give me a call at work if necessary.

If there had been a fever, I was ready to give him a quick morning dose of ibuprofen to get him out the door and playing. If it faded and they noticed, I figured it'd be closer to nap time and most of my hard to cover classes would be done anyway. I could skeedaddle and pick him up with minimum fuss. I would have still warned them about the ear infection. I would want to know if Shane felt ill and he's going to be on antibiotics for two weeks. It's not like it's going away anytime soon.  

Well, they called! It wasn't for the reason I expected, though.

The day-care called me in class to let me know Shane hit his head on the playground. His teacher watched it happen. She said Shane ran one way and looked the other. He careened straight into a tricycle, flipped over it and hit his head. He missed the mulch and hit the concrete. Ouch.

All that time spent wondering about a fever and I never stopped to consider Shane putting the hurt on himself.

The teacher said that they'd put ice on it and Shane was annoyed. He wanted to go back out and play! My parental paranoia subsided.

The boy must have inherited my thick skull. I've got a permanent mini-lump from a childhood face-plant myself. Shane was ready to play and party when the ambulance showed up when he tumbled down the stairs all that time ago.

So Shane stayed at school and I stayed at work. I left work on time-ish (shockingly) to pick him up. He was having a ball and didn't want to leave until one kid ran over and grabbed his Legos.

He was ready to go home then.

I got the Legos back for him and tried to take some pictures of Shane's forehead lump and cheek scrapes, but he wasn't interested in my photography attempts.

It was a busy week with Min, ear infections, field trips, and tumbles, but it's the weekend now! 

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