Sunday, October 13, 2013

MomMom's Visit

Last Sunday, MomMom, Grandma and Grandpa visited. We were going to visit them until Min got on her antibiotic regimen.

They're cat people, so they understood.

They're also car people who don't mind long car rides and love Wegman's (which we have around here and they don't!). We all met up for lunch and Shane-anigans and came back to our place to visit.

It was nice getting a chance for MomMom to see Shane. I want that relationship for both of them. She's 92 years old, lives in Montana, and insists (each time) that she may not make the trip out here ever again.

I told her "That means we'll have to visit you!" I have family from Nebraska, so I know the Great Plains rock. I've never been to the Rocky Mountains, but I like exploring and it's nice to have an excuse reason!

It'd be nice to do a 'summer tour' and hit multiple time zones to visit family when Shane's older. He's not that far from the age where memories stick!

I was waiting on pictures from Grandpa before I was going to post this, but they're very busy in his 'retirement.' They spent this weekend at an Italian festival running a booth and advertising for their start-up travel business.

It was a fun visit. Carrie, Shane, and I are looking forward to the next time we can drive down to visit them for a weekend. I got to fly a plane last time!

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