Sunday, December 14, 2014

Annual Church Train Show: Third Time!

The church across the street from us puts on a model train show every year. Saturday was our third time to attend!

We stumbled upon it our first year in our new house. The next year we brought Grandpa. Now it's fast becoming a tradition.

It's a great free activity. Several of the set-ups had buttons or switches that anyone could use.

Grandpa probably picked up a few ideas for his layout. He really liked how one table had all of the characters from the movie Cars.

My favorite exhibit is always the Legos. There are always kids running the tables, and there's a scavenger hunt. If you can locate all of the items, you earn a small prize! 

Shane doesn't have the interest or the patience/perseverance for the scavenger hunt yet. He'd much rather play with trains.

And that's okay.

Shane played much much much better with all of the other kids this year. It is good to see progress! I was very proud of him. Shane was on his best behavior. He pouted and threw a fit when a toddler snatched one of his cars, but he recovered and had a lot of fun.

 At one point, Shane yelled "Austin!" and ran over to a random boy. The boy's mom turned around and asked, "Do they know each other?"

"Sure seems like it," I replied. "Is your son's name, Austin?"


The boys knew each other from pre-school.

They were best friends for all of three minutes before Shane blasted off bobbing and weaving through the crowd.

Daniel and his family came to the show, too. Daniel, however, had a tough day. We didn't get to spend much time with them.

Shane, Grandpa, and I hung out and had fun for an hour and a half or so. Then the ladies called: Lunchtime!

We really enjoyed our morning together. Trains must have got stuck on Shane's brain and he begged Nana and Pop to ride the metro the next day.

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy your posts and pictures and really enjoyed the addition of comments and arrows to the train show pictures here! :-) Love, Aunt B.
