Thursday, December 25, 2014

Winter Break: Christmas Legos

When Ryan and Kim visited Shane for his birthday they brought his Christmas presents, too. Shane went bonkers when he saw this one.

What's not to like? It's Lego and can a garbage truck!

However, Ryan did not pay much attention to the label.

The last thing I wanted was to have a newly-turned four year old "help" me sort out 389 pieces varying from tiny to 'small and hurts to step on.' I told Shane that Santa would bring the Legos back for Christmas, assembled. 

Shane was upset. He asked every day about them. The only day he forgot to ask (ironically) was Christmas morning. I still had not assembled it, though.

Shane spent the rest of Christmas day asking to put it together. When I put him to bed he said, "You can put the garbage truck together now, Daddy."

So, I sat down to get at it. There were a lot of pieces.

There wasn't any rhyme or reason to how the pieces were bagged either. The legs for one Lego man was in one bag while the head, torso, and hat were all in others! The things I do for my son.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this task, though. Legos are cool.

I am going to kill Ryan if this thing breaks into a kajillion little pieces the first time Shane picks it up.

I loved the random "don't get frustrated and throw this at anyone" symbol that appeared later.

I'm not sure that's exactly what it stood for. I don't care. I like my interpretation.

It took a while, but I got everything assembled. I took some pictures in case they don't stay assembled more than a couple of minutes.

You may have noticed the garbage truck doesn't look like a garbage truck. The box contained instructions for two variants: a vanilla garbage truck and a flying trash-gobbling one. The instructions and builds are totally different. One is 78 pages and the other is 71 pages. If I built the wrong one it will NOT be a quick fix. Shane asked for the "flying garbage truck" earlier in the day, so I gambled and went with that one. I told Grandpa he could build the garbage truck if Shane decided I did it wrong. He likes this sort of thing, too...I think!

I look forward to seeing Shane's reaction when he wakes up. Daddy followed through with what he said he'd do!

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