Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Snowy Gamble

I took a risk.

Based on the weather report, I decided to drive down to Charlottesville Wednesday night. A snowstorm was inbound.

The original plan was to drive down on Friday. I needed to drop Shane off at Nana and Pop's first, though. There is a recruitment fair in Harrisonburg Saturday morning. Carrie, also, works Saturday, so someone needed to watch Shane.

The storm offered an opportunity. Thursday looked like a sure snow day. Carrie was scheduled to be off work, so she could work Saturday. She mentioned she was going to be lonely and bored. Shane and I could drive down and keep her company. 

But what about Friday?

There was no guarantee school would be cancelled on Friday. If the storm was a flop, I would find myself possibly over two hours away from a 7:00 AM report time (and possibly stuck in bad conditions if the storm hit harder to the south). A parent meeting for one of my caseload was scheduled for 9:45 AM. A delay would make it easier to report in, but then I would have to drive back and forth to Cville in one day.

Thankfully, my phone buzzed several hours ago. School is cancelled Friday.

One problem left: Saturday.

If the job fair is not cancelled, Carrie and I have to figure out what to do with Shane. She doesn't want to call out of work on Saturday, because every other Saturday she's supposed to have worked has been cancelled due to weather. It's been a month and a half and she still hasn't helped on the weekend.

Should I bring Shane with me? Would Patrick watch him play in a fast food playground while I interviewed? Can Carrie find a babysitter in Cville? Is it worth driving all the way back up to Fairfax to drop Shane off with my parents and make the return trip?

I hope I'm right and they cancel the job fair. The snow date is next Saturday. Carrie is not working then and it would give more time for my preferred work locations to post positions. The counties/cities present at the job fair are part of my backup plan if I can't find a position closer to where we want to live. It will be good to practice, but I don't want to be in the awkward position of being offered a job I don't know if I want. 

It will be what it will be, I guess!

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