Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Old Haunts

I dropped by my old school, yesterday. The time passed felt both longer and shorter somehow. It's not far from my current school, but somehow I was always too busy to stop by.

I'm not overly sentimental, but I felt nostalgic pulling in. I worked at Carson for six years. It was my first traditional school. The summer before I started there I also met Carrie and I moved into my first apartment.

I walked in and spent the next hour and a half visiting with old friends. First, I thanked the finance officer for her help in getting me reimbursed for my laptop that was stolen and returned. She told me her request to help me was denied. My old principal, Augie, got involved and the check was in the mail. I would never have known if I had not stopped to thank her. That's character and loyalty. There was a reason I liked working for him.

After that, I ambled around. It was much the same. I bumped into my friend the choir teacher from across the wall. She gave me the big Buzz Lightyear years ago that Shane likes. Then a counselor friend walked around the corner. Matt's room was the first stop. He was in there with his new roommate. I heard the E team teachers laughing outside and said hi. They're still thick as thieves. Moosa and Patty saw me as he was heading out and asked how things were. A short stroll down the hall revealed Ellen. Her husband and I were rumored to be twins. His mother-in-law even mistook me for him from a distance (she didn't understand why I didn't turn around when she was calling his name...). Angie was next. I really enjoyed teaming with her for years. Apparently, her daughters still remembered the time they talked to Carrie after school, too. They thought my wife was the coolest.

From there, I went on walkabout. I stopped by other rooms, but they were empty. I left a few notes and went upstairs. Lucy was upstairs and had presents for Shane. She wanted to know why he wasn't with me! I bumped into Tammy and Kim, as well. 

It was a nice visit. I enjoyed seeing everyone. I like my new school, but there was a sense of a community that I was part of at Carson. I told everyone about my family's plans and Charlottesville. I wanted to tell people in person instead of over email or through a random reference call (oops). There are a whole slew of retirements coming up, so I think there was some hope I would return next year.

I will have to visit again to catch people I missed. "Mrs. Lucy" wants Shane to come and play next time, too!

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