Thursday, March 19, 2015

Shane and Change

Shane drew a picture at school Wednesday. He said it was his new house in Charlottesville.

It had a slide.

Overall, I think he's been handling the transition well for someone his age. There's a lot going on with our move and Nana and Pop's move.

It's probably to Shane's benefit that we drive back and forth between Cville and Chantilly so much. It should make the transition feel more gradual. He knows he doesn't like the drive (but it gets better if there's a movie on).

Then there's the people side of things. Shane will ask to play with Daniel or to visit Nana and Pop sometimes when we are in Cville. He's asked if "Daniel can move to Charlottesville, too." He knows Nana and Pop are going to Greenville, SC, so he doesn't ask about them moving. He has asked if Cville is closer to Greenville (which I told him "Yes!").

I do see Shane cling to Carrie when he first sees her. It feels like after an initial hug/burst of excitement he goes back to the business of playing as usual. He'll sometimes ask Carrie immediately for TV. He's pretty clever. We don't have TV or internet in Chantilly. I've put something on my computer once or twice, but we tend to play without electronics. He knows it's available in Cville, though!

I think Shane's been a little more clingy to me, as well. It's felt like he's asked me to play with him more the past couple of weeks even when other kids are around(whereas before he was happier if I observed than participated). He's also been less happy when I drop him off at school. That could easily be from the dark o'clock wake-up, but he does grab my leg tight enough some mornings to make me think. He's fine by the time I pick him up. He wanted to play music with a few kids Wednesday evening.

The big change is coming soon if the contract doesn't fall through. The last day of day-care up north is Friday the 27th. Then, I will take Shane south for my spring break. The house will close on the 31st and we won't come back. When I have to return to work, I think Shane will stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a week. He will have to start day-care in Charlottesville early/mid April. I'll drive down for interviews and visits (of course), but I won't be down for good until later in June. It will be Carrie's turn to experience life as a single parent.

All of this depends on the work on our basement finishing today. The appraiser from the VA has to approve the contract tomorrow. It's in a flux of possibilities now, but time will tell a linear story later.

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