Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Time with Friends

Shane got to spend Thursday and Friday at Daniel's house. We had the boys say "Goodbye," on Friday, but I doubt either one really understood. We may still visit from time to time, but it will be a lot harder once we head south. A four hour round trip is a lot of effort for a quick play date! Daniel's family stays pretty busy, too. Mike flies all over the country (and sometimes the world). 

It would be great if we can keep in touch over the distance. Never say never, so I'll try to do what I can on our end. It's not likely, though. 

I would never have said that when I was a kid. However, I've discovered life drastically changes once you move out and start working full time. Then, when you get married it changes even further. Pop out a kid and all bets are off! It takes time and effort to keep up with people - both of which are in limited supply. There's only so much time in a day and lots to fill it with. But one can hope.

Saturday and Sunday, Shane got to spend time with Nana, Pop, and Bryce. Bryce is Bruce and Reina's son. They are long time family friends from church (Bruce taught Matt in Sunday School and went on a mission trip to Russia with the twins and I). Shane and Bryce know each other from play dates at Nana's, Thanksgiving, and some other holidays. This past weekend, Nana took them to the mall twice and let them bounce in the inflatable play area (Reina's idea). 

They boys are going to see a lot more of each other over the next month at daycare! Shane is going to go to the same home Bryce does while I live at Nana and Pop's until May. Then we'll have to have another round of "goodbyes." To Shane, a month is an unfathomable amount of time, though. He'll enjoy it.

Honestly, I think the move was pretty painless for Shane. He played his heart out from Thursday on while Carrie and I slaved away!

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