Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Keeping Busy

Have you ever wondered what to do with the zillion one notch Lincoln Logs you get in a box? 

From Tuesday before we went to Staunton. I had to keep him busy in the morning!

Shane was a surprising amount of help.

From Tuesday before we went to Staunton. I had to keep him busy in the morning!

Wednesday was the first non-event planned, non-work, easy weekday of summer. We got to clean Lincoln Logs!

Picture taken Thursday of the clean room. :) 

That was more for me than Shane. Maybe it'll teach some responsibility, too. We got out of the house for an errand or two, but we stayed around the house the vast majority of the day.

Shane gathered every chair he could find to make a "Frankie's Fun House" in the kitchen.

He picked up glass when I said, "Watch out for some broken glass" on the way to the park.

Shane did not want to play outside any more when Henry first came out. He pouted in a corner until I said, "Hey! I found a Lego man. Is this yours?"

For some reason, my car has become very popular. Shane spotted the spare under a neighbor's truck. I showed him I had one, too, and that was all the opening the boys needed.

It wasn't easy to get some of these photos.

Glass reflects!

Long story short, after watching kids play in your car for twenty minutes you start to get bored. I blew their minds when I sprayed down the windows with the neighbor's hose.

The hose shenanigans continued from there.

I let Shane "test" our other new neighbor's doorbell some, before we went inside to dry off and show Henry Sonic.

But wait, there's more. Raheem showed up after Shane showered. I sent Shane out to play and the boys ended up shooting hoops with Max.

Rather, Max ran rings around them and shot hoops. They provided an increased difficulty level. Max overcame.

The circle is starting to have more of a community feel to it. The different kids really help. It's surprisingly hard to get to know people around you if they never come out of their houses. I would come out a lot less if it wasn't for Shane.

Anyway, Summer is off to a great start.

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