Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Staunton Again

Nana, Pop, Stu, and Crew drove through Staunton on their way back to SC. I never knew I was related to a local celebrity.

But I digress. Staunton is a 45 minute jaunt for Shane and I, so we trotted over for family time. Shane should know by now: Family is important.

Family is fun to play around with, too. I feel like this picture is highly caption-able.

Patrick and Shelby took everyone to a local breakfast restaurant named Kathy's. Shane and Cole went from elation to anger. They couldn't agree except to disagree. They must have changed seats at least three times (the first one was because the dolls/mannequins "scared" Shane).

The non-parents were highly amused (or trying to hide their embarrassment of all the squabbles behind the smiles).

The grandparents were genuinely amused. Been there, done that, your turn! (It's good to be retired).

Things got a lot calmer when bacon pancakes and chicken tenders were served.

Shane was a snert at the end. He asked for apples, he got apples, and then he decided he didn't want apples. They were baked and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Obviously, it was a trap. They must have been poison.

Shane cried and fussed when I made him take a small bite. The apples passed inspection.

I am proud I was able to get him to at least try them. The requirement is one good bite with an open mind, or two with a closed one and whiny voice. After that, Shane's free to eat or not eat as he chooses.

The restaurant was much quieter once we headed out. Stu started the exodus when he snuck out and paid the bill (Thanks, Stu!).

Our next stop was Gypsy Hill Park. Patrick and Shelby showed it to Shane on our last visit. Shane really wanted to show Cole all the waterfalls.

Everyone else wanted to see the baby ducks.

Do you think the kids would have cried if a fish ate one?

By the way: This is another example of why I'm not normally in the pictures. I'm too busy trying to get my own. Phonetography is a way to amuse/occupy myself when I'm not a part of the action.

This is the shot I ended up with.

I got a better one when I continued around the corner.

Shane did get to see the waterfalls with Cole. If anything, we bounced back and forth between waterfalls and ducks.

Nana wanted to go to the playground, but the kids were rooted.

Patrick saved Shane's barking dog from the lost and found.


Some others sensed the pose opportunity and joined him.

The boys threw leaves in the water and watched them follow the current.

And the back to ducks.

And then back to waterfalls.

Shane and I separated to see that last waterfall. It was the only way to get him to wander to the bathroom before our return trip. The rest of the family waited for us at the cars.

As usual, Shane was bummed to say good-bye. I employed my usual trick. "Hey, what's that over there?!"

This time it was a library!

Can you guess what kind of books Shane wanted to look for?

I was happy that there were plenty of other toys to distract him with. I got to sit and enjoy the air conditioning.

We pulled over at a scenic overlook on the way home.

I've wanted to stop for a while. Today was the day.

We dropped by Crozet to meet Mommy next.

She needed a midday caffeine to finish her work day strong.

We do what we can!

I heard the trip back to SC was peaceful after Staunton.

Nana posted some other pictures, as well.

These were the "creepy" decorations.

Evelyn wasn't afraid. I think she tried to touch them all.

Here's a picture of me prior to french toast.

Indy guarded the car.

Stu and Evelyn visited her. Frequently. Sometimes Evelyn morphed into a fussing Cole. Kids keep you busy.

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