Monday, November 19, 2012

Hide and Go Poop

You can always tell when a #2 is afoot with Shane.

His brow furrows in concentration; his mouth becomes a grim line of determination!

And he grunts.


Yes sirree, it's obvious when Shane puts on his 'poop face.' If you don't catch him in the act, you'll definitely catch a whiff as he runs by afterwards.

Somewhere along the way, Shane developed a certain shyness whenever he puts on his poop face. The boy will be playing with you one second, jump up, and run around a corner out of sight. You can't see the game face, but the grunts are still audible!

Thus, my son has discovered "hide and go poop."

Carrie swears that it's not uncommon for toddlers, but I still get a kick out of messing with Shane's game. I'll stealthily inch to wear I can barely see him. If Shane sees me, he'll scoot a few inches or whatever it takes to break my line of sight.

Normally, I stop at that point. I was spotted, confirmed poop sign, and no man really wants to interrupt another man's doody (er duty!).

Sometimes though, Shane feels the urge to do his thing where he there's no corner convenient to run around. He's got a trick up his sleeve for emergencies. My son will look up, make eye contact, and throw his arm over his eyes! Instant baby invisibility! The grunting starts and everyone who witnesses it is left feeling slightly awkward if they're not cracking up.

The first time Shane did this was in the middle of Patrick's room. I about died laughing as Shane stood over a pile of dirty clothes, eyes shielded. He had the biggest grin when he finished, too. It was hard not to be proud.

Maybe this game is commonplace. Carrie says that most toddlers like some privacy, but I still thought it was funny enough to post.

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