Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Shane is intense. When he wants something, he really wants it or the world is going to end!

It's hard being a baby.

If my son had his way, he would always be: A) somewhere outside, B) in front of the TV, or C) in front of the computer watching "kitties" on Youtube.

Shane cracks up when he watches cat highlights. My wife insists it's because he likes cats better. I'm not so sure. If 1 in 1,000 cats can do a cool trick for a second and 1 in 1,000 of the tricks are caught on tape, then it's a good thing there are countless millions of cats out there to make a minute montage for my son!

The boy is an addict. He can sit in front of the computer for way longer than my patience holds. When I do try to transition him to another activity it sparks an instant tantrum. Too bad for Shane, Dada ignores the tantrums and closes the computer anyway. There's only so much internet cat-capades a man can take. If Shane's lucky, Mama will be the one watching the kittens with him. She not only has a longer tolerance than Dada, but she'll get giddy and giggle along with the boy.

Once upon at time, I posted a video of Shane seeing Maru the "box cat" for the first time. He's only gotten more animated since.

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