Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shane's 2nd Halloween

Do you detect a theme?

My wife is a trekkie. She was a closet trekkie in high school and she's clearly come out of that closet long ago. She bought herself an authentic replica of a command gold uniform from the original series. Shane got to wear blue, and I donned the feared red shirt.

"Our son outranks you!" my wife giggled.

Actually, we got a lot out of the uniforms. Carrie wore hers to work. Her boss demanded it. She ended up in the state capitol giving a presentation all decked out! Hilarious.

I wasn't sure if I could wear mine to work since we discourage the kids from wearing costumes. I asked two different administrators if I could rock the red, and do you know what the response I got was?  


The AP I asked even said "I didn't even realize it was a costume."

Several kids asked me if I realized the danger I was in. "We'll see if I'll last the day!"

Fun times.

We even drove to Chic-Fil-A and got free food for wearing costumes. 

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