Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hey! Give That Back!

My wife developed a new, nap-extending tactic shortly after switching up Shane's room.

Whenever Shane wakes up too early, Carrie will go lay on the floor next to his mattress. Usually, Shane ends up sleeping for almost an extra hour! 

The boy loves to rest near his Mama. Mama loves to rest near her boy, so I guess it's a match made in heaven.

I don't participate as much. I let Shane wake up and play with him. However, if his nap is especially short (30 minutes or so) I've been known to lay down in front of Shane's mattress as well. 

Usually, Shane drops off back to sleep without ever leaving his bed. When he's restless, though, he's been known to wallow. I've had the boy fall asleep on my chest more than once while laying down with him.

One Thursday morning a couple of weeks ago, Shane woke up crying at five. I didn't want to wake Carrie, and normally I wouldn't have risked falling back asleep on a work morning away from a clock, but I knew that Shane would be awake no matter what when he heard the garbage truck roll by (it's very exciting for little boys).

I grabbed a pillow and laid down on the floor in front of Shane. My son stopped crying. He kept fidgeting, so I knew he was in a restless mood. Soon my son scooted to the edge of his bed so that he could lay closer to me. It was very touching, but it didn't end there.

Over the course of the next half an hour, Shane slithered off the bed against me, crawled up to share my pillow, and then pushed me off the pillow so he could have the whole thing to himself! To add insult to injury, Shane eventually decided to get up and get back into his bed.

He took the pillow with him!

Dada ended up laying pillow-less and cold until the sound of garbage trucks caused Shane to bolt from bed.

The things parents do for their children!

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