Thursday, we went to Sea World and had sushi for dinner (inspired by Sea World, perhaps?). Friday, we went to Busch Gardens Tampa and did not have monkey or zebra for dinner. My wife told me it was "not funny!" when I asked if any of the park restaurants had zebra steaks. I admit, I like to say things that cause a reaction from my wife. The trick is not to overdo it (I'm still working on that).
If you're not my wife's friend on Facebook, here are a few of my favorites:
This was one of the first pics taken of the day. My wife loves this pic of me for some reason. Mantas glided by in a tank over our heads. Carrie took a video of one chewing on the glass, because I thought it would be a funny gif. This exhibit was next to one of the two roller-coasters at Sea World, the Manta. It's the only roller coaster I've been in where I sat facing the ground. I guess it's what flying would feel like to Superman (who will always be Christopher Reeves in my opinion).
Good times!
Carrie took a bunch of good pictures from the orca show, but I like this one. Why? Because it reminds me we sat in the splash zone! If Carrie hadn't tried to turn away and hide, she probably wouldn't have gotten as wet!
Carrie: "[The employee] lied to me! He said it would only get the first few rows!"
I love candid/action shots much more than the posed ones. These shots came while trying to get a posed shot of Carrie in front of dolphins playing. I love the progression from the looking-one-way-smile to the looking-the-other-way-open-mouth-delight. I think the pair of pictures capture the moment.
My wife is a total Busch Gardens fan-girl. She could go on and on about how she likes the conservation efforts, the park atmospheres, food, rides, etc. I think it's adorable. I will also admit that I was a big fan of the 'Quick Queue.' I don't like shelling out a lot of cash to go to an amusement park, so you would think the idea of paying extra once I'm there would be a total turn off (it is). However, the ability to spend less than an hour in line to ride all of the roller coasters once when the Cheetah hunt had a two hour wait by itself was priceless. It let us take in the sights, ride the rides, and leave before the rain. I highly recommend it.
I think this is a beautiful picture of my wife...
but you don't realize how high she vaulted up for the picture until you see this one. That's my monkey girl! Life is more fun when you climb and exert a little energy.
Life is also more fun if you're willing to be a little goofy.

Nana also posted some new pictures on Facebook while we've been out. I miss my boy. My idea of the perfect vacation involves doing something productive in the morning (shocking, I know), doing something fun with my boy in the afternoon, and then maybe doing something for my wife and myself in the evening. It's pretty pedestrian, but it's me.
Can you believe how much Shane has grown?
He used to have such chunky little cheeks. Carrie found some older pics on the camera when she went to download the trip pics.
Anyway, there's still time to rest today, before our vacation ends. Shane sounds like he's having loads of fun with Grandma and Grandpa. He's been chanting "Green Garbage Truck!" so much that Grandpa went on a Green Garbage Truck hunt. The boy went wild when he saw his new toy (complete with toy garbage cans to dump into it). I was obsessed with garbage trucks as a child (ask Nana), so I guess Shane gets it from me.
Well, I'm glad I got a chance to write something! I hope you enjoyed it.
We enjoyed reading your blog! I just read it aloud to Mom and Jama. :) -Kathleen