Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Patrick Monday

Uncle Patrick stopped by on his way north from Nana's (SC). Shane broke out the beans to celebrate.

Uncle Patrick noticed that the bean suitcase hadn't changed from when he was a kid.....and neither had the beans.

And yet, the beans still grow if planted. Life's pretty amazing, huh?

Meanwhile, Raheem swept the street. That's not really what the broom part of the window scraper is for, but who am I to say otherwise? My brother and son were playing in a decade+ old suitcase full of dried beans.

Charlie, Matt, and Max all came out later for an impromptu block party. I love spring weather.

Carrie came home to a busy street. Then Patrick made a startling discovery: If you cheer, they will come.

And thus, Carrie was welcomed home.

Patty went with Shane and I to Costco and hung out until close to 10 PM. His youth allowed him to drive home to Harrisonburg while Carrie slept on the couch.

I hope Spring Break hits soon. I'm tired from all the excitement that's gone on around here.

1 comment:

  1. That's not the same bean suitcase that I made for Patrick when he was 2 years old. Patrick's bean suitcase (my invention) was red, one that I had for many years. I used to take Patrick with me when I did grocery shopping and let him pick out a different bag of beans each time we went. After we ran out of beans to buy, he got uncooked popcorn. I regretted letting him buy uncooked rice after that, because it was so hard to clean up. The bean suitcase that we made for Shane is one that I bought at a yard sale specifically for him. And I went to the grocery store and bought a bag of each different kind of uncooked beans. I never thought of planting them. You are taking it to the next level. Way to go, Mike! So proud of what a great daddy you are!
