Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Patrick's Birthday Dinner

Who had a birthday and finished an externship in March?

This guy.

Nana and Popped stopped by on their way north for a family celebration. Nana brought Easter eggs.

She likes holidays. She hid them for Shane before we picked him up from school.

Patrick arrived shortly after the eggs-stravaganza. Nana ambushed him at the door (she was still excited).

Only the light wasn't adequate and Nana's excitement was unabated.

The next picture was a keeper!

It's hard to get everyone in focus in this family. And that's okay, because it's the way we like it.

After a little, we all went out for a sushi dinner. Patrick and Shane both tried their first ever sushi rolls (or at least the first rolls they ever liked! ABC Rolls - Avocado, Banana and Cucumber).

It was around this time, Carrie joined us. She headed over straight after work.

The desert was something special. Anytime there's a fire indoors and there are no casualties, it's a special night.

Shane wanted Patrick's desert lit on fire "again!"

Patrick probably did too, but he settled with eating it.

We headed home full and tired. Shane dug into a bag of St. Patrick's gear Nana and Pop brought.

We all hung out for a few minutes before it was time to say good night.

Carrie took Shane up to bed and Nana and Pop slipped out the front door.

I threw a cat on Patrick.

Happy belated Birthday, Bro. Feel free to stop by any time you're in town. Congratulations on your externship, too!

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