Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spring Soccer!

The SOCA season has begun anew.

Shane's old team is mostly intact. He's got the same coaches and I recognized all the kids. How's that for continuity?

Most importantly, Shane's with the program.

A pleasant surprise!

With Easter Sunday, there was a slight theme to some of the activities.

Shane did a much better job of listening and running around than before.

They're all still kids, though. The blue grass fascinated Shane at game time.

I think a lot of the kids were pretty tired by the end, too. Shane started to hang around the goal.

Fall season, I coached Shane to stand in the goal and charge, because it beat laying in the grass and complaining. Now, he does it automatic. He even scored a goal once! Most of the other kids were on a water break, but a goal's a goal.....right?

If Shane keeps up the pace, he'll be a true soccer kid next Fall!

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