Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Back to Normal

Life is back to normal after Shane's accident. Carrie didn't "get over it" until Monday night. She then spent most of Tuesday switching our handles with door knobs and installing new baby gates.

My wife is pretty handy.

She's also getting quotes to install a half-door to block off the stairs going downstairs from the main level. Carrie does not trust any of the gates in the house anymore. We need to make sure the front door is always bolted shut now too, because Shane opens doors with handles readily. He used to love opening the doors to the bedrooms upstairs. He'd sprint back and forth between the doors opening each. I'd shut the doors and then Shane would race back to open it.

No more. Thankfully, the front door is still too heavy for him, but he works the mechanism without hesitation. Carpeted stairs were scary, but a concrete front porch....I don't want to think about that. I've tried to teach him to turn around and go down stairs on his hands and knees, but the little man is fearless. He'll learn with time and I'm sure there will be more falls, spills and scares on the way.

Ironically enough, I was going to write a post about "Where do all these bruises come from?" shortly before the fall. Shane had a spectacular spill Thursday morning at 5 AM last week. The little stink woke at 4 AM and refused to go back to sleep. I brought him downstairs and let him run around, but it was clear he was in a tired daze. Somehow, Shane managed to spin in place, fling his arms behind him, and kick his legs out one direction all the while his torso was turned another and he banged his head into a baby gate. My heart lurched. The boy howled. I thought Shane was going to greet his mom that morning with his very first baby shiner.

Nope! My son is built right. Rubber, muscle, a thick skull, and not enough brains to know when he's hurt. I couldn't be more proud.

Last week was a tough week with the stairs scare and Shane's sleep schedule going to hell. I woke up at 4 AM Thursday, 5 AM Friday, and then 5 AM on Saturday. This was the perfect week to start off with teacher workdays. Life feels basically back to normal now. Now, I just have to work on building my portfolio. I have an interview next Friday. I spent part of tonight trying to find old USB drives from my ALC days. I crafted some great presentations, but I can't find squat. There's no choice, but to start from scratch.  I've got to show off what I know.

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