Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shane's tantrums

I like to post funny stories if possible, but life isn't only roses. Shane's nearing the "Terrible Twos."  Whenever Shane doesn't get his way, he physically throws himself. It doesn't take much. Mainly, if you pull him away from a dangerous situation or block him from getting somewhere he wants to go, it's on like Donkey Kong. If I'm laying in front of the couch, he'll get pissy if I don't let him step on my head to hop up behind me.

What's a Shane tantrum look like? It starts loud grunt and then the boy arcs his back and snaps his head back. I'll normally grab an arm or something to prevent him from landing head first, because he really throws himself into it. The wailing starts around then and sometimes he'll bang his head on the ground. It's quite a little sight, but it's all part of parenting. He's mad he didn't get his way and letting it be known. In return, I make sure he doesn't really hurt himself and I ignore the behavior. Most of the time, he doesn't get it. He'll hop back up in after a tantrum and try to repeat the behavior I stopped. I stop him again, and then there's another tantrum.

It's just basic discipline. I have a little time-out for him upstairs, and i'll need to get something for him downstairs too. It'll have to be something he can't hurt himself on. He got frustrated once in front of the fireplace and started hammering his head against the board Carrie placed over it. This made him madder and he hit his head harder and started the "I'm hurt" cry instead of the typical tantrum "I'm pissed off" cry.

This is going to be an ongoing project for a while. From what I've read (and seen), tantrums just go along with growing up. It's unfortunate Shane's a headbanger, but he's still been a wonderful son. He's healthy, he's usually happy, and he's so Absolutely Damn Delightful he can quickly be distracted (most of the time).  Maybe this is just a sign he's going to be into rock and roll. That's way better than rap in my book! Ha ha!

This was just meant to be a 'reality log.' I think Shane's developing and growing well, and this is just one of those challenges most parents face. If I post this same log again ten years from now, we'll have a problem!  Until then, Shane's just going to have to learn smacking his head isn't going to get him any closer to what he wants.

Bed beckons!

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