Sunday, February 26, 2012

How's that Lent thing working out?

So far, the waking up early for Lent hasn't gone as planned. The idea was I would go to bed a little earlier and wake up before Shane. Instead, he woke up at 5:30, 6:15, and 5:50 the next three days. Shane's switched to one nap a day and it's causing him to go to bed closer to 8 PM.  I felt I was justified to hit the "snooze button" today since Shane woke up at 11:50 and 3:15 last night. Alas, he woke up for real by 6:14. I'll get my Bible study in somehow!

Instead of video games, I'm trying to read and post more. I found this today:

Hilarious if I can verify it's all true! (It is the internet after all)

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