Sunday, February 5, 2012

So, Shane's Sick

My son is the fountain from which all snot flows forth. Bronchiolitis. That's what's infected my boy.

Since Friday night:
Puked on count: 4.
Baby pukes: 7
Baby Baths: 4

Do you notice a correlation be the number of baths and how many times I've been puked on?  That's because those are the times I'm quick enough to turn him towards me. I act as a puke towel so I don't have to clean up the carpet later. Some of the other pukes were minor urps that he managed to avoid drenching himself. By some miracle (or curse) I've managed to collect each of the epic yaks. My boy has managed to coat my jeans and soak through to my boxers.

Shane's felt like crap almost all day. He's been whiny, fussy, and clearly not himself.  He took a three hour nap this afternoon which helped me get some work done on my portfolio. I also talked to my friend Mandy for a little bit about what to expect on the interview (thanks Mandy!).

I've never seen such impressive drainage. We're in for at least a couple of weeks of this, but hopefully the worst will have passed by Wednesday. Then, we'll get our first major sickness parenting badge!  Well, it's not major major like something life-threatening, but 2+ weeks of sick baby seems like it counts as major to me.

Back to work and the super bowl!

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