Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I love almond butter.

I do.

I became a huge fan a couple of months ago and I've never looked back. I never would've heard of it either if I hadn't worked ESY last summer.

It's a short post tonight, since I had class until 7 PM. I'm just taking a quick time out from dishes and cleanup before going to bed.

Random thoughts:
-It's almost been three weeks since my interview! I'm dying to know if I got into the pool or not.
-My wife is awesome. She signed us up to sponsor a kid from Compassion International.
-My wife is even more awesome, because she's started breaking homemade bread ever since her first attempt was a valentine's day present. Holla for Challah!
-Shane's a strong sucker.
-He's also showing more depth to his thinking and waves when you say "Hi" to just may not be in your direction.
-My sister's wedding is getting closer and closer. It'll be nice to see all of the family. Too bad Carrie and Shane aren't going and it's costing a pretty penny for the plane.
-The flashing on the roof was peeled up and clanging around to the point of annoying our cool neighbor. The first contractor quoted $570 to replace it all. The second contractor quoted $200 to repair it and a few other things. Carrie signed up him on the spot. Hopefully, that'll be the last house tidbit to break for a while.
-My brother and his girlfriend have new jobs lined up in North Carolina come August. Congrats!
-My other sister's baby's due date is getting ever closer.
-Patrick has been pulling a ton of hours working at a movie theater, but sounds like he's going to get academic leave to focus on his classes.
-Foster kids are still a handful! They love Shane, though. No complaints from me.
-I wish I still got to visit people or people visited here. Life is in a transition point right now. I can't go out with all of my old friends, and Shane's not yet old enough to start making good friends of his own which would introduce Carrie and I to more people. One set of my friends has a baby on the way, so they're about to be introduced to the baby life.
-Also, some of the friends I have with friends live too far away for it to be easy to visit. TheRpgGuy, for instance.
-I need to get back to reading. I'm only partway through Hound of the Baskervilles.
-This was a longer thoughtdump than I expected and probably less fun to read if you're not me.  Sorry!

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