Sunday, February 19, 2012

Brief Hiatus Expires

My brief hiatus from posting is now over. After a rough couple of weeks, I enjoyed vegging out in my free time for the past several day. I enjoy writing and posting, but it takes energy. Clicking around mindlessly on a computer?  That's a textbook example of an activity that requires no effort at all!

A quick thought dump before I start typing up a real Shane post:

-My boy is growing and growing! He's a handful, but he's also getting more and more fun as he grows and learns. I really wonder what he'll be like a year from now.
-No word back on my interview yet. I'm really really hoping that I get into the hiring pool. I'm a bit burned out on teaching at the moment. It'd be nice to have a job change and still get to work with kids and my school system.
-Word is there's going to be snow tonight! I sure hope so. Tomorrow is a holiday, so it won't effect my work schedule, but I love a good snow.
-My friend Dan confessed video game infidelity to me. I've been clamoring to play Portal 2 co-op with him, but he sold me out for someone with boobs. Actually, I don't mind. I'm still only playing single player/pause-able games since Shane always seems to interrupt.
-Carrie's finally feeling better. 8 days of low-grade fever and then I "blew her mind" and she ended up with quite the headache. The doctor proscribed 800 mg of ibuprofen and bed rest for Friday night.
-Carrie home made challah bread last night.  Hollah!  It's definitely a perk to marry into a cooking family.  I was raised on the Scottish restaurant (aka "McDonald's).

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