Friday, February 24, 2012

Do you know what YOUR son did?

"Do you know what YOUR son did today?"

The inflection on the pronoun grabbed my attention right away. It's a line that I've heard on TV or in the movies my whole life. It's not a line that I'm accustomed to hearing in the really real world.

"Don't you mean OUR son?" I replied as casually as possible. I didn't want to break into a grin.

"No. I mean YOUR son." My wife was giving me the 'serious look.'

"No, I don't know." I knew it had to be something funny. I just couldn't laugh yet if I wanted to hear it.

"I was changing a poo diaper and your son reached down between his legs, grabbed his diaper, and YANKED it out from underneath his butt! He left poo smeared all across his stomach!"

I cracked up. I could envision the shock and horror on my wife's face as that diaper went flying and the poo went streaking. Shane must have started cackling while Carrie tried to pop her eyes back into her head and prevent the boy from rolling over and running off diaper in hand.

That's my boy!

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