Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

It was a regular party at Nana and Pop's house for Christmas this year.

Matt and his family rolled in on the 23rd. 

It made the house even more alive, not crowded! 

And more kids meant more fun Christmas morning.

I wasn't there, so I couldn't tell you exactly what happened. 

It's fairly easy to guess!

Lots of squeals, lots of yelling, and lots of laughs. 

And Shane probably even made some of them!

I started on the road early to join everyone. Carrie stayed behind to tend the barn. We had hoped to find a barn sitter, so we could've made a family trip. However, Ellie was out of town and Ernie stepped on Laura's ankle.

I was close to fumes when I crossed the SC border. I didn't stop for food or my bladder. I wanted to arrive ASAP and with ALCAP, too (as little contact as possible!).

A full tank was $29. That means it costs around $60 to cart Shane both ways on his visits.

Side note: I downloaded the audiobook for All Systems Red by Martha Wells at random and I laughed out loud multiple times on the drive down. It was less than 4 hours which made it perfect for a road trip. If I'm smart, I'll get the sequel next time I'm road tripping solo.

I made a beeline for the bathroom when I arrived. Not that Shane or Cole noticed. They were lost in Electronics Land! 

The house was full of action! Aunt Dot was out of town, but Matt, Renee, and their crew were in town. Aiden got a toy violin for Christmas. 

To say he was a fan is an understatement.

He lost himself in his performances.

The crowds changed, but his passion remained the same!

I mostly got pictures of the young kids. I hadn't seen them for a while! They were being much more interesting than the older boys, too. 

I held a little back. I didn't think I was sick, but any bit of feeling off (like allergies + fatigue from 5.5 hr drive) is enough to bring up that little seed of caution with family involved. Especially when I was just stopping by for a night. It's easier to dismiss that seed when you stay around for longer. 

It was amazing to see everyone. I loved talking and joking around. Here, Nana noticed I was taking pictures and wanted to pose.

So I immediately lowered my phone. "Sorry! Candid shots only!" 

Kathleen eventually pulled her phone out so Nana could have her picture. My picture of the picture still counts as candid!

Kathleen brought the girls to join the party. 

All of the kids like being around other kids. 

I like being able to bounce from room to room, activity to activity!

Everyone was full of joy and energy.

Being around so many people doing so many things is how I grew up and it's great to revisit even if it wears me out! I used to retreat to the basement to read or play game when I needed a break.

I was texting people Merry Christmas' later on...

...and Bill waved back to everyone.

After the kids started going to bed, Matt and I learned how to play Viticulture. Shane went to Cole's to spend the night one last time.

It's a highly ranked game and we were curious. I read through the rules, but I already knew the basics of how it worked. Renee and Kathleen hung out with us and talked.

We didn't play a full game, because we were already worn out from all the kids. Matt squeaked ahead at the time we called it. 

I was worn out and feeling it when I plopped down on the mattress in Shane's room. It was a great Christmas. I wish I'd been able to bring Carrie with me to share the experience! Merry Christmas to whoever reads this! Have hope, because Hope entered the world! 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to read this and the other blog posts that you posted this weekend! We missed Carrie, but were thankful that you and Shane were here on Christmas. It was sweet of her to hold down the fort and take care of the animals. We love you 3 so much!
