Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve 2020

Originally, Carrie wanted me to drive down to get Shane on Christmas Eve. I argued that he had tons of family around and I didn't want her to be alone on Christmas Eve. 

The discussion was moved to the backburner and several days later it was reversed. A storm was predicted for the Eve and Carrie didn't want me to drive down it. I argued that I'd driven in plenty of storms and it probably wouldn't be bad anyway.

I was the first one to realize the irony of what had happened.

Nana and Pop didn't mind, so I decided to drive down Christmas Day and weather through the storm with Carrie.

The 'snow storm' came, but it wasn't snow.

It was cold. We got soaked. 

Including my coat.

And the dog. Definitely, the dog.

When the ground is wet, Loki's feet collect all sorts of mud, dirt, and gravel dust. I take him out front to run and he cleans his own feet before bringing him in.

I would've liked a white Christmas, but it'll have to be a different year. I found other ways to show some cheer!

We brought the horses in and kept them in. Maddie was shivering a little. Of all the horses, she likes being stalled the least. Carrie through a blanket on to help her dry and then sit me down hours later to check.

We gave the horses dinner before we let them out. They avoided the worst of the cold rain. We had to pay the price in stall cleanup (Maddie made the mess of a horse twice her size).

All Ernie wanted for Christmas was fresh grass.

The girls agreed, but they didn't get their wish. The fields needed to dry.

Outside of chores, there was a lot of streaming going on in the house! Carrie's a binge watcher and it was her Christmas wish! I had to take the remote from her a couple of times, so that I could stretch my legs!

Aria parked on me whenever she could. It was the kittens' first Christmas. 

We streamed a Christmas service and Carrie cooked corned beef for dinner. I caught up on the blog some, but didn't manage to get fully caught up before Christmas.

It was a low-key day. That didn't make it a bad day. I'm thrilled to be on break and Carrie has been showing more energy. If I could have changed one thing, it'd have been the rain, but it's better than being in a drought.

But the best news of the day? Tomorrow was Christmas!

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