Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Who likes pie?

Lo and behold, a pie was delivered unto us. 

There I was scooping poop when an unknown car pulled up. A woman got out and handed Carrie a box. A box I recognized as the kind that held delights.

I don't know how, but Carrie discovered a local baker who was online. She decided to buy a pie to see how skilled the baker was. 

Chocolate ganache is apparently a style of pie that illuminates how well someone can bake!

Carrie took the pie and I filed away, "There is pie" in the appropriate part of my brain before continuing chores.

I had to go to class after chores were finished, but there was enough time to cut a slice.

Only I couldn't find the pie. 

I looked everywhere. The refrigerator? Nope. Pantry? Uh-uh. Outside refrigerator? Still nothing.

I looked under the bed and the kitchen sink, but there was no pie.

I told the class my tale of drama and woe and they laughed at my misfortune!

I figured out why I couldn't find the pie after class: Carrie had never brought it to the house. It had been at the barn and she shared a slice with Heidi!

I got my slice before the next class!

I spent the rest of the day spreading the word. "Have you heard of Baked on the James? Great pie!"

There's a part 2 to this tale.

The pie was great. Too great. We normally don't have foods that rich and sweet laying around. Carrie had a couple of slices and it was enough to upset her whole system. Her stomach was heaving the next morning and I had to do barn chores solo.

So I hid the pie under the bed.

My plan was to valiantly eat it.

Which my class enjoyed. I ate some of it in front of them, so they could experience the pie virtually. I didn't tell them that Carrie knew I'd hidden the pie and approved, because that would've taken away the edge of danger in the tale! 

Don't worry about Shane. He got to partake! He had nearly as much as I did. Carrie had promised Heidi another slice the next time she visited or the pie wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

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