Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Shane Goes South...AGAIN!

I saw a meme and started a new Christmas tradition with Shane.

Only now Nana and Pop are going to have to finish it! The met Carrie at Wegmans Tuesday morning (12/15). They were going to pick him up on the 17th. However, Jama's under quarantine until she gets a negative COVID test and a snowstorm was predicted for the 16th. 

The morning looked something like this:

The trip down was a little rougher when Carrie invoked the birth-giver's privilege to restrict electronics. Shane snatched up Happy cat one too many times after being warned and drew her ire. I didn't realize she'd task Nana and Pop to carry out the sentence on the road trip! Thankfully, Shane's an easy traveler and he was already on an emotional high by being on the road. 

The very next day Cole ruined Kathleen's Christmas surprise and blew Shane's mind.

Shane spent the summer watching ant videos and trying to make his own ant farm when refused to buy one. There are still holes in the yard from his queen search!

So while we forbade him having one at our house, it's fine for him to have a southern colony. It'll give him something to look forward to every time he visits.

Shane's so excitable he makes it fun for all of the cousins, too.

Even Nana's having fun with it, because of him!

She's also learning a lot by fact checking the BS he comes up with!

Shane lost not one, but TWO teeth since he's been in SC.

I hope he's not trying to save up Tooth Fairy money to buy more ants!

Don't tell Shane, but one of the other things he's begged for is sitting is his room: a fish tank. Carrie was more open to having one of those and bought one right after he drove away with Nana and Pop. She was excited to do it, so I hope the ants don't steal the total show. I'm hoping Shane will be happy he has different things to be excited about in different places.

Then again, having cousins to band with you to start your own ant farm production studio may put the insects well on the top.

Shane's so ant crazy he even took them to school!

And there have been a total of three videos now. Three! I've made sure to give each one a like.

We may bring the ants home after virtual school stops being virtual....if they survive that long! Not everyone can handle life in the spotlight.

I had to fill out a survey for what Shane would do if schools went to Stage 4. Carrie's been more concerned, but my original plan was to send his butt in the moment I could! However, the trips south have been fantastic. They give Shane a chance to bond with his family and remember a season most people will find difficult with joy instead. And I think his presence helps make life more interesting for Nana, Pop, and his cousins! I don't worry about him when he's gone, because I know he's getting the care and connections he needs in a way I can't provide right now.

When the school said, "Stage 4 might only be 2 days instead of 4 if we can't get staffing," I went ahead and said, "We'll keep him home." 

Virtual school won't last forever and Shane will have 8 more years of physical school after 4th grade. A few extra months of being online won't hurt. He'll be back in a seat when Stage 5 hits. Shane prefers virtual school, but I think he needs the bar raised on him and to be around other local kids again. 

For now, Shane's loving his monthly trips and I hope they continue as long as virtual school does!

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