Friday, March 15, 2013

Kilt Day 2013

The last school day before Saint Patrick's Day is Kilt Day.

I've been partaking in this ritual since Carrie introduced me to kilts while we were dating. I did not know if a kilt was proper work attire, so I brought my utili-kilt that year to ask for permission. My AP gave me the go ahead, and I changed in the bathroom.

The tradition has stuck. I have thrown on my manly-skirt five years and a running.

Maybe one day Kilt Day will be an actual "thing."

The reactions from the kids were more toned down this year. There were the double-takes, the walk by's followed by laughing, and the "Why are you wearing thats?" One of my students said she was 'embarrassed for me!'

Actually, this was the first year no kid asked me "Aren't you embarrassed? Kids are laughing." Usually, I follow up with a "So? Why should that bother me?" and try to turn the ensuing discussion into a "be yourself" lesson.

Maybe word got out in the community that there's a crazy guy in a skirt every year. There was a greened-out kid with his back turned to me saying "Why aren't more people dressed up!" who turned around, saw me, and yelled "THANK YOU!"

The teacher reactions are fun, too.

The choir teacher told me that "[Kilt Day] is one of my favorite days of the year. We should have bet on whether you'd wear it today or on Monday since [Saint Patrick's Day] is on Sunday!" I normally hear at least a few "wedding kilt" or "my so-and-so is Scottish" stories, as well.

It's good to see Scottish/Irish pride!

One day, I'd like to actually hop across the pond and visit those countries myself. For now, I'm just a Texas-born, red-beard who wears a kilt for fun, education, and air-conditioning!

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