Friday, March 8, 2013

Shar And Dan

Hopefully, you've heard of Dan by now.

He's the guy living in our basement. I've known him and his family since I was three, and he recently helped install a new air system.

Shane's even puked on him.

Sharlene is Dan's girlfriend. She lives in New York City and got her Masters in Psychology last December. When Dan and his friends were installing the heater, they had me verify that Shar was a real person and not some figment of Dan's imagination (or a creeper/serial-killer online Dan met in a chat room).

One of the reasons we don't see much of Dan is he likes to go up on weekends to visit Shar (the other reason is Dan works a lot and hides in the basement when he plays games online with Shar!).

There are some weekends when Shar comes down and visits Dan here. Carrie and Shar nerd out about some shows/things they're both fans of. Then, Dan and Sharlene go out at night to do the "no-kids and lots of energy" thing.

This weekend was a planned visit, but it started off sooner than expected. Sharlene is interviewing at different schools to try to get into a Doctorate program. The school that she hoped to get into (and had gotten the farthest with) rejected her on Wednesday night. She was upset, so Dan hopped on a train like a good boyfriend, and brought her back the next day. That's how Shar was around for Carrie to help transport her to an interview in our area.

I know my wife always enjoys when Shar visits, so hopefully Dan and Shar will be around some and not out and about all weekend!

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