Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shane Down South

Carrie and I both feel it: something's missing without Shane around here.

When we were on vacation in Florida, it was one thing. When we are at home and Shane's not here it's another.

He's a big part of the family!

Shane is sleeping at Grandpa and Grandma's house right now. His cousin, Sophia, is also there. Her parents took their two youngest to Singapore to help with Carrie's sister-in-law's mother.

When we facetimed to say "Hello" Shane and Sophia were sitting on Grandpa and Grandma's couch with the iPad! They were totally enthralled, but sharing nicely! It sounds like they're having a great time together.

Honestly, I'm thrilled. Shane's a little young to really bond with Sophia, I think. She's old enough (4) that she can remember this time and bond with Shane. Carrie and her brother weren't the closet growing up, but I want Shane to be really tied in to his network of cousins.

A strong relationship with your family and extended family is a blessing that I want my son to be a part of.

Thank you once again to all of Shane's grandparents for the monumental effort of giving Carrie some healing time! We really appreciate it!

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