Sunday, March 17, 2013

Shane's Home!

Shane came home today! I was a little worried he'd throw a fit when he saw me, but he was happy to be back! I couldn't shake the feeling that he'd grown since I saw him last and I somehow missed it.

Grandma, Grandpa, and Sophia hung around for a little bit before jumping back on the road. It was neat to see Sophia and Shane interact. He still has a lot to learn about sharing, but she was very patient and forgiving. It was clear that everyone had a great time.

A little part of me was jealous my son had so much fun without me*, but then I squished it with gratitude and appreciation for all the family support.

I'm glad he's home.

It's hard to explain in words. Shane is exhausting to take care of after a long day of work, but there's an emptiness when he's gone. I should have been thrilled at all the free time on Saturday, but it rang a little hollow without him there. If Carrie had been gone as well, I would never have stayed at the house alone. It would have felt too empty.

Now Shane's back and the family is reunited. It's still tiring to try and keep up with his energy level, but the rest that comes after he goes to bed is much more fulfilling than the plethora of rest when he's out. I know Carrie feels the same way. She kept holding on to Shane and wouldn't let him go when it was bed time. If I had not pulled him away, she probably would've let him hang around until 9!

Tomorrow I'll drop Shane off at Nana-Day-Care and on Tuesday Carrie's going to be on her own (Pickle?).  Wednesday, Shane will be with Pop-Pop, Nana, Indy, Jama again. Carrie will visit the surgeon for her follow-up.

*Rule #? of parenting: You can't always be your child's all in all. It's not possible and it's poisonous to pursue.  

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