Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Looking Good!

Everything is looking good! Prayers answered!

I'm impressed with how well Carrie is compared with her last surgery. Last time, I got called in to help with a shuddering/shivering Carrie who was maxed out on pain pills. The nurses had to keep getting permission for more until the doctor called it quits. When we got home, Carrie puked on the bedroom floor after wobbling up the stairs.

This time, Carrie turned down extra pain pills and told the nurse it was 'manageable.' She's been eating, talking and resting!

We showed up at the hospital at 6:05. They wheeled Carrie off at 7:35, called me to the recovery room at 9:10, and then we shipped out and got home a little after 11:00 (I think). The doctor said that everything went well, and Carrie will find out what pathology discovered at her appointment next week.

We were surprised when the care instructions said "No lifting of greater than 20 lbs for 6 weeks." I told the nurse "Our two-year old weights almost twice that!"

Shane's going to have to be a big boy and run around on his own for a while. My spring break is around the corner, so I can help a lot then.

In the meantime, it's rest rest rest for Carrie and I'll go back to work tomorrow.

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