Friday, March 29, 2013


There are times when I can't understand a word Shane is saying.

He will look me in the eye, say his piece, and I will be absolutely clueless.

It offends him.

Sometimes, I ask "Can you point?" and that solves the issue. Other times, I call for Carrie. She is the leading interpreter in the field of Shanese (like Chinese - only with Shane!). If neither one of us can figure it out, we scratch our heads and try to distract him with something new.

Nana told me that she sometimes tries to repeat back to Shane exactly what she heard.

She also said it pisses him off.

Shane hears it the correct way in his head. When you repeat him it doesn't sound like what he thought he said. It sounds like gibberish (or Shanese!).

It annoys him.

Nana and Pop-pop said this gives them flashbacks of raising me. I would do the EXACT same thing. Jama has a story she likes to tell where I wanted to "JENNA JAME!" (aka "rent a game"). She couldn't understand a word I was saying and I was livid!

Like father, like son!

Hopefully, Shane's speech will get better sooner than mine, or he will find a friend who can translate for him. I had Bill (Dan's brother) growing up and we've been friend ever since.

Actually, I would prefer Shane find a lifelong friend over his speech improving sooner. I'm not worried about him as an adult. Either his speech will get better, or it was not meant to and he will adapt. Life marches on.

In the meantime, I wonder if they teach Shanese at the local college. I need a few lessons!

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