Saturday, March 9, 2013

Yet Another Exciting Week

It's been an exciting week.

Carrie and Shar shared a "This week sucked!" comment yesterday.

Today alone, Carrie's boss had to go the hospital, Carrie's got enough of a cough and drainage problem they may have to cancel her surgery, and the dashboard on the Prius refused to light up and tell me how fast it was going.

On the other hand, I drove the damn car anyway, we all went out for Patrick's birthday lunch, I posted about some of my accomplishments for the week, Shane and I spent an hour outside while Carrie made me bagels and bread, and, to cap the night, off Carrie and I watched one of the funniest episodes of Star Trek Voyager ever (Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy).

Lots of stuff going on, but I believe there's a plan for everything.

Deal with the negative, but dwell on the positive.

I'm praying that we survive long enough to look back and see it!

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